Once you've attended an information session and met with a Study Abroad advisor to narrow down your program choice, you can apply for your program.

At this time, all university-related travel must be approved and reviewed. Follow COVID-19 guidance for international travel.

Before Filling Out an Application

  1. Attend an information session
  2. Meet with a Study Abroad advisor

Complete an Application

  1. Log in to the UMKC Study Abroad Globetrotter Portal
  2. Search for the program to which you would like to apply 
  3. Select the name of the program
  4. Follow directions on screen for how to apply and make sure to apply to the term in which you plan to study abroad.
  5. Follow these application tips
  6. Complete all the application items. Your application is not complete until a checkmark appears next to every application item.

For exchange and program-provider programs, a Study Abroad advisor will review your application. For faculty-led programs, the program director will review your application and notify us of their decision. 

Apply for Passport and Visa

A passport serves as your international identification and allows you to enter other countries legally, as well as return to the United States after your travel is complete. Apply as early as possible for your passport — it may take up to six weeks to process the application or renewal.

Visa requirements vary depending on each country's laws, the length of your time abroad and other factors.

Learn more from the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Secure Funding

If you have to raise funds or apply for a competitive fellowship or scholarship to be able to afford to attend your program, you should get started as early as possible.

Finalize Your Application

If your application has been moved to the accepted phase, you will receive an email in your UMKC email account from international@corporatefilmfest.com. Finalize your application by completing all post-decision items.

  1. Log in to the UMKC Study Abroad Globetrotter Portal
  2. Select Commit button
  3. Complete all post-decision items (signature document, application questionnaire and required reading.) Your application is not finalized until a checkmark appears next to each post-decision item.
  4. Complete these items at least two weeks before attending Predeparture Orientation. You may be dismissed from the program if any items are not completed within this timeframe. 

Attend Study Abroad Predeparture Orientation

You are required to attend Study Abroad Predeparture Orientation, which will provide you with health and safety advice, travel tips and other important preparation materials. You also will learn about cross-cultural adjustment and connect with other students preparing to study abroad.

Parents, guardians and significant others are welcome to attend. Visiting students should discuss remote attendance options with the program leader and your Study Abroad advisor.

Complete Predeparture Requirements

  1. Read and follow our health and safety guidelines and International Travel policy
  2. Submit personal and emergency contacts for at home and abroad and itinerary information through the UMKC Globetrotter Portal
  3. Keep travel itineraries updated in the UMKC Globetrotter Portal
  4. U.S. citizens going abroad are strongly encouraged to create an account on the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Other participants may register with their home country's equivalent agency.